Tuesday, April 3, 2007

One of the Rarest Butterflies in America is Making a Comeback

During the Spring and Summer, we see butterflies fluttering all around us and in most cases we take them for granted. Have you ever just stopped to take in the beauty of nature and the wonderful creations that butterflies are? Well the rarest, and most beautiful, butterflies of America are coming back around one-by-one thanks to a very patient ecologist.

Jana Johnson has been breeding butterflies one-by-one in a laboratory in her home. The species of butterflies is called Palo Verdes blue butterfly. With each hatch of a butterfly, the Palo Verdes species is one step further from extinction. Once she breeds these butterflies, the goal is to develop habitats that are safe for them. Previously this particular species was found mostly on military land in the U.S.A. For now, Jana Johnson focuses her time and energy on allowing this species to make a comeback, and she is so close! Next time you see a butterfly, take the time to watch it and appreciate its existence in nature!

1 comment:

Angela Ward said...

These are gorgeous butterflies. I am very happy that they are "making a come back"